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Michael Ubaldi, March 26, 2007.

And what a good twenty years it was. Partners in your airport.

Michael Ubaldi, March 22, 2007.

Beginning with a colorful sunrise, yesterday ended with a pallor to the sky, which continued through this morning and led to a short squall a few moments ago, one of several likely to pass before tomorrow. Preserved in the photograph, nonetheless, is Wednesday's dawn.

Michael Ubaldi, March 12, 2007.

I hadn't intended to photograph the church, standing across the street from the coffee shop where I worked over six years ago, and now visit for a late-Sunday-evening read. Of course, facing one direction on the way in, I could only notice utility lines and this tree, superimposed like scaffolding, on the way out.

Michael Ubaldi, March 9, 2007.

Yesterday, the birds started to chirp. Today's thaw reached fifty-five degrees. Efflorescence: pending.

Michael Ubaldi, March 6, 2007.

Clocks are to be set forward next week — not for thirty years has daylight saving time begun before the first Sunday of April. For some the hour's shift is a Saturday night nuisance and a languid Sunday, and for a few it is the officious handiwork of Washington bureaucrats conniving to make us sixty minutes late for church.

Me? I prefer light and the impression of warmth to long nights. At the periphery of the Eastern time zone, summer days stretch and blend into the perpetual; sunsets unfold after a gradual evening and an early riser can still catch sunrise, even dawn. Daylight saving brings all that, and it is very welcome.

Michael Ubaldi, February 27, 2007.

Thursday, February 15th: One-hundred eighty degrees of ten degrees.

Michael Ubaldi, February 21, 2007.

The cats have found purpose in the bathtub, if that which was the result of liberal interpretation.

Michael Ubaldi, February 12, 2007.

Even if the stretch of clouds to the east weren't there, dawn was luminous enough to be photographed. It was out of a need for resolution that I waited to record sunrise.

Michael Ubaldi, January 30, 2007.





Michael Ubaldi, January 29, 2007.

Saturday's rain sluiced away the week's snowfall, which the balance of an albescent Sunday replaced. Undetermined is whether Cleveland's west side was, in the weather forecast, assured a downright mauve morning.

And, yes: the lot of the little yellow house has one less evergreen.