The World as it Was Intended

If the equality of all men under God is to carry any meaning, we must accept the passion of those who today do not live in freedom as an unlawful but temporary deprivation.

So justice has arrived in Iraq, riding on a ballot.

VICTORY COMES IN THREE-QUARTERS?: Initial reports have Iraqi election officials estimating 72% voter turnout. [Subsequent returns suggest about 60% turnout, equal to or greater than America's "historic" turnout for the 2004 elections.]

DEFEND THE MANDATE: Recognizing political defeat, the left has already begun to shift from undermining the elections to undervaluing their earth-moving success. We will hear how voting will do nothing to stop the authoritarian invasion in Iraq — how, after all that has been won by men and women of all banner and creed, all is still lost.

So we should not dwell on the fact that the left continues to spin a new web but on why the left is spinning a new web. Why? They lost: a British election, an Australian election, an American election.

And now the first constitutionally authoritative Iraqi election.

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