Trafalgar's Recollection

From Bill Federer:

On this day, October 21, 1805, in one of the greatest naval battles in history, British Admiral Horatio Nelson defeated the combined Spanish and French fleets — 33 ships with 2,640 guns — in the Battle of Trafalgar off the coast of Spain.

The fifteen million dollars Napoleon received two years earlier from selling 600 million acres to the United States was not enough to assure him victory. Though 90,000 French troops were assembled on the coast of France ready to invade Britain, this defeat abruptly ended Napoleon's power on the sea, and with it, his dreams of world conquest. During the battle, cannonades and musket shot ripped apart ships at point blank range, killing or wounding nearly ten thousand men.

In the fighting, Admiral Nelson was fatally shot in the spine. He was carried below deck to the ship's surgeon where he died. Admiral Horatio Nelson's last words were: "Thank God I have done my duty."

From Monty Python:

Canning: The cat sat on the mat. And now the Battle of Trafalgar... (on the screen behind him a contemporary picture of the Battle of Trafalgar flashes up) Tonight we examine popular views of this great battle. Was the Battle of Trafalgar fought in the Atlantic off southern Spain? Or was it fought on dry land near Cudworth in Yorkshire? Here is one man who thinks it was...

Cut to a man - a Gumby - with gum boots on, rolled up trousers, knotted handkerchief etc., looking very thick and standing in the middle of a field. ...

Canning: (voice over) What makes you think the Battle of Trafalgar was fought near Cudworth? (There is a long pause.)

First Gumby: Because ... Drake ... was ... too ... clever for... the German ... fleet.

Canning: (voice over) I beg your pardon?

Gumby: ... Oh I've forgotten what I said now.

I'll take Federer.

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