East Coasting

The drive was a pleasant one: Pennsylvania is stuffed with endless natural masterpieces, the landscape stretching on like a Mobius Strip. Each time you crest a hill, you can find a breathtaking view in every direction - hills, valleys, it doesn't matter. Green trees, brown trees, white trees; driving the length of the Keystone state is never a bother if you appreciate beauty. You can almost forgive Harrisburg for stubbornly posting 55 MPH speed limits throughout half the state. And did I ever take photographs: spending most of your life with the understanding that your camera cannot physically give you more than twenty-four or thirty-six chances to capture an image for every few dollars introduces one heck of a digital shock. Nearly 200 shots, you say? I can delete the substandards when I review my shots, seconds after exposure? Megapixel, Humbug: this $99 trinket of the office's is solid gold.

Time to return to the family and house hounds: photographs later.

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