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Thank You, Vernacular
Michael Ubaldi, November 5, 2003.

It's been awhile, but I still remember superfriends moments. What kind of moment is that, you ask? "Superfriends" is a term coined by Jon, one of my buddies (at farthest left, with his former band Spark Lights the Friction) at college. At present, Gabe is the only non-Syracuse friend of mine who not only understands the term "superfriends" but does so tacitly, insofar as I have on occasion turned to him and muttered, "superfriends," to his instant and complete comprehension. I seek to broaden the number of learned, so I asked Jon to provide me with a "Webster's ready" definition. He obliged:

su·per·friends // (sooper·frends) n. pl. adj.

1. Most commonly defined, 1973's Super Friends was a cartoon centered around Superman teaming up with other popular DC Comics superheroes (Aquaman, Batman and Robin, Wonder Woman) along with eager young hero trainees Wendy, Marvin, and Wonder Dog for adventures. "Their mission: To fight Injustice. To right that which is wrong. And to serve all mankind!"

2. More obscurely, superfriends is defined as a state of being in which one is overwhelmed (and overloaded) by the simultaneous stimuli (conversations, actions, etc.) of friends in the immediate vicinity. This mindset has been known to cause freaking out, screaming, and spontaneous acts of temporary insanity. In many extreme cases, the effect of superfriends is a lasting one - afflicting the sufferer with tics and drooling as well as the inability to hold a cohesive conversation.

Look that up in your Funk & Wagnall's.