
The move from CoreComm to Hosting Matters was neither a cinch nor a completed process. First and foremost, the weblog's entry numbering system was thrown completely off by my failure to reset the MySQL database; imported entries were thrown on an existing set - even though I'd deleted all entries in Movable Type - so enumeration was off by over 800.

I've partially fixed the problem; my first entry begins at number one, and I value that for peace of mind. Permalinks inside the uBlog and from other sites, however, will not arrive at their intended destinations: Over the course of blogging, entries that had been deleted or mistakenly duplicated were nevertheless counted in the entry series. For example, if entries 345, 346 and 347 were accidental triplets and I deleted the two excess posts, my next entry would have been 348 (and the correct entry before it would be 345). Imported into a new database, entry 348 would thereafter be identified as 346. Luckily, until today I have preferentially archived posts according to category, so any missed link will end up on the same page as the desired post.

Categories remain the only archive listing on the main index, but as most of them have grown to accumulate months of entries they're beginning to become cumbersome downloads - and a slow page is none too welcome to the innocent surfer looking to follow up on someone's link to a single entry on my site. So I've changed the default permalink to individual archives - a good hack job on my amateur behalf, I'm happy to say, as it was one hell of a coding tug-of-war for Saturday morning.

So then: Isabel's gone, old Sol is back to its rightful skyborne throne, and the uBlog is back to normal operation. Fortune!

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