Brownie Batter Without Eggs can't leave them out and still try to call your cookery "brownies." It's the perfect analogy to a democratic republic: either a nation adopts all the ideals and accommodations for representative civilian government as did the United States - whose birth bore the focus of intense deliberation and planning from the greatest of minds - or it fails and eventually succumbs to unmitigated corruption or outright tyranny.

Let that strike the necessary tone for discussion; this is the first uBlog entry of what I hope to be a robust topic, The Constitution. For Christmas my folks gave me The Federalist Papers, the essential recipe for liberty concocted by none other than Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and John Jay. What with the band and other work keeping me from but scratching the surface, I have yet to read appreciably enough to begin contributing. Before summer I should be in good intellectual shape.

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